Mini quilt swap that is .. with Schnitzel and Boo. I have a partner that I am already having at look at on IG and she loves to bake and sew and crotchet.. just like me. But I also realise that my partner has been given my Sew and Sews Too blog to check out.. so I think I should add some interest so that she can see all the cool things I do.. or rather that I am so busy these days that I NEVER get to blog and that IG has taken that role in my life.
But last night I was reading my favorite blogger Lucy at Attic24 and she so inspires me to keep this bloggy thing going..... so this is what I going to attempt to do.. at least that is the plan.
And to start off here are a couple of photos of a T Shirt Quilt that I recently made for a friends son's birthday using his old and well loved collection of Mambo T shirts. Such fun to do and I was really happy with how it turned out - especially the border made from sleeves..